In the latter, the corresponding use case storyboard typically starts with the system actor interacting with a screen class. 后来,相应的用例情节串连板一般由系统参与者与screen类交互开始。
You are not winding back the film, but you film one actor on one side of the screen and then the actor moves to the other side of the screen and films the other part. And then you just divide the screen in two. 我没把胶片倒卷回去,而是先在屏幕一边对演员进行拍摄,再让演员到屏幕另一边拍摄,之后我再把屏幕一分为二。
Suddenly the screen went dark – and, where the actor had been showing off his suit, a young Chinese model appeared, striding down the catwalk in a white cashmere coat with wolf fur collar. 突然间,屏幕变成一片黑色&就在派克刚才显摆自己西服的地方,一位中国妙龄模特突然出现在观众眼前,昂首阔步走在T型台上,身穿一件带狼毛皮领子的白色羊绒大衣。
A screen actor, performance, writer. 电影的演员、上演、脚本作者。
A screen test is a method of determining the suitability of an actor or actress for performing on film or in a particular role. 试镜是判定演员是否适合出演某电影或者某角色的一种途径。
Those who have worked with him believe he is a natural screen actor, and perfect for the role of Harry. 与丹尼尔合作过的人都认为他是一个天生的演员,也是扮演哈里的不二人选。
Initially he enjoyed reasonable success as a Hollywood actor, served in the US Army, and then became a union boss, as president of the Screen Actors Guild. 最初,里根曾是一名小有成就的好莱坞演员,在美国陆军服过役,而后成为一名工会领袖,即美国影视演员协会(ScreenActorsGuild)主席。
Grotowski also used story as a screen to protect his actor's intimacy. 格洛托夫斯基也将故事用来作为保护他的演员隐私的屏幕。
Knightley is the latest star to swap the screen for the stage, joining a list that includes Nicole Kidman, Jude Law, Kevin Spacey and the Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe. 奈特莉是最近一位从荧幕转移到舞台上的明星,这些明星中包括了妮可·基德曼,裘德·洛,凯文·史派西和蛋尼尔·雷德克里夫。